Thursday, September 30, 2010

Episode V.5: Random Thoughts, Redux

I'm polishing up the final piece on the Star Wars trilogy, but had a lot on my mind. Now it can be on your mind!

—Far too often, we let ourselves get distracted from the heart of issues. Most recent example: FOX News' uproar over Stephen Colbert's appearance before Congress. No discussion of why he was there and what he was saying. Same thing happened with the Park51 Mosque and the Koran burning. Recognizing the distortion is key to working past it.

—Stephen Fry in the next Sherlock Holmes movie? And as RDJ's older, just as intelligent, brother Mycroft Holmes? Excellent casting.

—Fan-made no longer has the stigma of the Star Wars kid:

THE WALKING DEAD "Opening Titles" from Daniel Kanemoto on Vimeo.

The Walking Dead will premiere on AMC, appropriately, on Halloween. The first episode will be an hour-and-a-half of kick-assery.

—When you can get discharged from the military for being openly heterosexual, and that alone, I'll be OK with people getting discharged for being openly homosexual.

—This is seriously exciting: Back to the Future Re-Release. Please note that the Monday showing is on the day that Marty first went back in time. Pardon my minor nerdgasm.

—Halloween's soon. It won't be the same without my two favorite flappers, Dr. Henry Jones, Sr., Prince Akeem, Jack & Jill, the Lone Ranger, a butterfly (who should've been GaGa), and whatever the hell Hannah was.

—It'll also be missing Pimp My Pump '09.

—I'm now debating between Judah from 30 Rock and Charlie from Always Sunny, specifically, Charlie from "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass." Tough call, really. Keep in mind, whatever I'll be doing, I'll be doing with Day Man and Night Man.

—I'll be missing Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive. This makes me sad, but on the other hand, I'll be celebrating my cousin's birthday in New York City, so I'm sure I'll get over it. Friends who are going: have a blast for me. Take lots of pictures, record as much as you can, and have as many celebrities call me as possible.

—You can tell it's autumn up here. I've missed autumn, almost as much as I've missed snow. Which is right around the corner.

—I'm curious as to what exactly the radical homosexual agenda is. The same bullshit was spewed when Judge Vaughn Walker ruled Prop. 8 as unconstitutional.

—After watching Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor and Bill O'Reilly on The Daily Show, you get a feel for their friendship. Also, Jon is a much more gracious host.

—Probably didn't need to watch both shows to figure out that last bit.

—Spoiler Alert: Super edgy cool guy Mark Millar had his latest creation lace a womb with bombs. All you can do is shake your head sometimes.

—Max Weinberg won't be coming with Conan O'Brien to TBS. I'll miss their awkward stares.

—The problem with the Tea Party is not their views. It's their inability to have reasoned discourse about their views. Or my views. More than anything else, they're fueled by emotion. Emotion, very simply, is more powerful than logic and reason. That's why a Pinko-Commie like me can't have a reasonable conversation with my Tea Party parents. This, of course, is exactly what the corporations behind the Tea Party want (look into FreedomWorks and Koch Industries, to name just two of the bankrollers).

—The entire Star Wars Saga will be released in 3D, starting with The Phantom Menace in February 2012. Every year after that, the next one will come out—but only if TPM does well. With that stipulation, it sounds like a money scheme by George Lucas/Lucasfilm. He realizes few people seriously enjoyed the PT enough to go pay twice as much to see it in 3D, but if he holds the OT ransom? It might work, too.

—In honor of The Social Network, out tomorrow, here's a trip down memory lane:
    Remember when Facebook was The Facebook?
    Who was the person that first introduced you to Facebook? (Kyle B., during my junior year of high school)
     Facebook used to only be for college students. Then high schoolers and college students. Then everyone.
     Who was your first facebook friend? (Leah N., who I wound up serving with on the Owen Hall Council)
     Poking used to be a big deal.

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